Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Medium Readings by Karen
Would you like a medium reading that is uniquely different? Karen Tatro, Medium and owner of The Mirror Magazine; seen on Ghost Hunters & My Ghost Story. Connecting with spirits is what she does and in a unique way. Her readings on average are 1 hr - 1 1/2 long. Why unique? She does it via online chat. That's right; a Medium Writer! You can read all about her at www.themirrormagazine.net or Facebook her name KarenTatro/Medium
Monday, April 16, 2012
Inspiring People!!!
2012 Winner of The New England Paranormal Literary Award!!!!
It was an incredible pleasure meeting so many wonderful & inspiring people in the paranormal field.
I plan to feature many of these people in my future issues. Paranormal Investigators and how each of them are unique and different in how they "ghost hunt". Inspirational people making a difference by bringing "spirituality to the paranormal". I also plan on boosting the Parenting with a View section, as so many of us need to inspire our children who are the future minds of society.
The Mirror Magazine is currently supported solely on my hard work and by subscriptions & advertisers. Please support my efforts as I try to move this publication to a free magazine for all. Consider advertising your business/service. My rates are ridiculously low and affordable. Or order a subscription for $21.00
It was an incredible pleasure meeting so many wonderful & inspiring people in the paranormal field.
I plan to feature many of these people in my future issues. Paranormal Investigators and how each of them are unique and different in how they "ghost hunt". Inspirational people making a difference by bringing "spirituality to the paranormal". I also plan on boosting the Parenting with a View section, as so many of us need to inspire our children who are the future minds of society.
The Mirror Magazine is currently supported solely on my hard work and by subscriptions & advertisers. Please support my efforts as I try to move this publication to a free magazine for all. Consider advertising your business/service. My rates are ridiculously low and affordable. Or order a subscription for $21.00
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
March/April/May 2012 Issue
March/April/May 2012 Issue now available. Great things in this issue. LIVING DELIBERATELY..Living Life with a MaJicKal by Madelyn; What is an Empath, Medium, Intuitive and Psychic? by Karen Tatro; THE SHADOW MAN by Karen Tatro (a brief summary of a haunted home I am working on); The Angel Corner by Carmen Carignan; Soul Food & Its All Me by Coach Nadine. A wonderful motivational get fit and change your life article. A wise story from the writings of Chaunge-tse-importance of having its place...and so much more. Order at www.themirrormagazine.net
Monday, January 9, 2012

Watch The Mirror Magazine on Ghost Hunters TAPS syfy channel Wed night 9pm...The home I investigated, researched and documented will be featured on the show's 8th season premiere...then order a special sale subscriptions to the magazine $16.00 on my website www.themirrormagazine.net
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Happy New Year to All!!!
Welcome to The Mirror Magazine's blog site.. You can view the magazine's website at www.themirrormagazine.net
2012 promises to be an exciting year for the magazine. I have worked with Ghost Hunters TAPS team on an episode which will air either as their premier for Jan 11th or Jan 25th. Final date TBA Soon.
The episode is based on a resident that the Mirror Magazine investigated, researched and documented as a truly paranormal experience on many levels. The TAPS team filmed the episode with The Mirror Magazine. I will also be working on future dealings with the network on a possible new TV show based on true intense paranormal residents.
The Magazine offers much more than paranormal. The whole premise is Living Deliberately. Searching within yourself to live you life based on what make you happy and challenging yourself to examine your beliefs. It has many featured stories based on Body, Mind and Spirit. Resources to help you search within yourself-"what do I believe and why do I believe this?" And the best thing-"I can change my belief if it doesn't bring out the best in me".
The magazine is a full 66 page, interactive-mulit-media, on line magazine that is written to inspire you. I truly believe that often what we read really does stick in our mind. It makes us think for a moment and sometimes it only takes a moment to create dreams for yourself. Take some time to read The Mirror Magazine this 2012.
You can read a free issue that is provided on this blogsite and then please consider ordering a subscription for $21.00.. It is a small price to pay for inspiration.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Dec/Jan/Feb Free 2011 Issue is now Available

The one time Free Issue is now available for Antrim Residents. Just click on the Link below and you can view the magazine. Please help support my efforts and hard work by then ordering a subscription to the magazine if you enjoy this free issue. The magazine can be ordered on my website for $21.00. Thank you and enjoy!!!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Dec/Jan/Feb 2011 Issue is due out the first week of December. This issue is free to all Antrim Readers of the Limrik and will be available the first week of December. Please check back in to access the magazine's link.
The Dec/Jan/Feb 2011 Issue is going to be full of great people and articles...
Living with Spirituality (A brief short story about the investigation of the home that drew attention of the Ghost Hunters TAPS team)
Living Deliberately (Who I am?) & Living Deliberately....~The Ripple Effect~
History of Christmas~~~Parenting with a View..... (Respect your Youth)~~
Be a pacifist, but not a passivist ~~~~~Buddist Talk.....by Denley Van Dyk
by Carmen Carignan ATP®~~
And so much more!!!!! The Issue will be available the first week of December!!!!!
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