LIVING DELIBERATELY (Emotional Constipation & Emotionally Handicap) I’ve used these words probably in the same manner that people use “whatever” or “ it is what it is.” It is the grand sum of defining a situation, event, or person. How do I use it? And what does it actually mean? Well, if you can recall in the children’s move ‘Tarzan’, the elephant and gorilla were continually debating, arguing and analyzing everything....CONTINUE READING IN THE ISSUE...ORDER AT www.themirrormagazine.net
Welcome to this new feature of The Mirror Magazine. As a certified Angeltherapy Practitioner® with
advanced training, my passion is to share with the world what I have learned, my personal experiences
with the angels, address questions that readers may have, give you angel messages, share healing
techniques , and offer angel guidance for situations that may come up in your personal life. I welcome
questions that you send in that I will randomly select to address in each issue.
So often I am asked who are the angels and how do I know they even exist? Evidence of angels cross all denominations and societies. Angels are portrayed in ancient art work, literature and in the Bible. They are light beings from a very high vibration that exude pure love. They are powerful healers whose purpose is to assist God with the challenges within ourselves, our individual lives and the challenges of the world. They have become more and more prevalent as people open up to their assistance. They are like our cheer leaders, bringing light, joy and love into situations, transmuting all fear,
bringing healing and gently guiding those who ask for their assistance.
There are many angels. If you look into books on angels, you will read about the different
rankings in the angelic realm. Many have responsibilities that are not of this world. Of those
that do, there are four different groups of angels. There are the large, role specific angels
called the Archangels. Each exude a particular color vibration, and each have their own
areas they are responsible for. Then there are, what I call, the generic angels, who assist us
in all aspects of our lives without having any specific roles. The next rank of the angels close
to us are the guardian angels. I have seen two with each person. They are assigned to you
at birth and stay with you until you die. The last ones, are the fairy angels. These tend to
the environment, nature and animals. They have a different energy, sometimes mischievious
but in a fun loving way because they love to play. CONTINUE READING IN MAY/JUNE 2011 ISSUE....