Welcome to The Mirror Magazine's blog site.. You can view the magazine's website at
2012 promises to be an exciting year for the magazine. I have worked with Ghost Hunters TAPS team on an episode which will air either as their premier for Jan 11th or Jan 25th. Final date TBA Soon.
The episode is based on a resident that the Mirror Magazine investigated, researched and documented as a truly paranormal experience on many levels. The TAPS team filmed the episode with The Mirror Magazine. I will also be working on future dealings with the network on a possible new TV show based on true intense paranormal residents.
The Magazine offers much more than paranormal. The whole premise is Living Deliberately. Searching within yourself to live you life based on what make you happy and challenging yourself to examine your beliefs. It has many featured stories based on Body, Mind and Spirit. Resources to help you search within yourself-"what do I believe and why do I believe this?" And the best thing-"I can change my belief if it doesn't bring out the best in me".
The magazine is a full 66 page, interactive-mulit-media, on line magazine that is written to inspire you. I truly believe that often what we read really does stick in our mind. It makes us think for a moment and sometimes it only takes a moment to create dreams for yourself. Take some time to read The Mirror Magazine this 2012.
You can read a free issue that is provided on this blogsite and then please consider ordering a subscription for $21.00.. It is a small price to pay for inspiration.